Saturday, October 1, 2016

Dividend Income - September 2016 Update

Hi Everyone,

Once again another killer month for my wife and I!  I might be jumping the gun on posting these results because it is only the first of the month.  Usually I do not see payouts from the 401K funds until sometime after the 1st of the month even though Vanguard counts it towards the month prior.  Check back again for updates!

Getting to the point, Septembers total came in at $548.75!  which is an increase of just 4% compared to last year$527 and a 19% decrease compared to last quarters $674... Bummer.

In the future, you will see my payouts go down pretty drastically so don't get too excited about the larger payouts.  Which is part of the reason I am not taking nearly enough time to write extended blogs for August and September.

Believe me, I am happier than ever with the decisions my wife and I have made regarding finances but dividend posts are not the place to discuss.  A gigantic blog post is just around the corner that will lay out all of the changes.

Hope you all had a great September!



  1. ADD -

    Excited to read your upcoming posts, please do share when you are able to. Also - the div income you received is quite stellar, congratulations on that, even if you want to see more than what you had received. Time takes care of quite a lot : ) Keep it up!


    1. Time takes care of quite a lot -- you've got that right! That's why we are on the paths that we are, to have as much time as possible!

  2. Congrats n a great month. I'm looking forward to your long post, to read about your changes.

  3. I've seen a number of bloggers sell out of the market... I'm curious to hear what you're up to!

    FerdiS, DivGro

    1. The latest post is up, the mortgage will be paid off!

  4. Seems like many are changing their priorities these days. Quite a few of our fellow bloggers have totally liquidated their holdings or partially liquidated in favor of other assets like real estate or cash. You still managed a very impressive total for September. Look forward to reading your news.

    1. I started selling all stocks in September so most of them had ex-dividend dates in August.

      I have noticed that trend too and I'd like to think that our community is just a tad smarter than average joe. once average joe starts selling, look out below ... just my opinion. I don't want to be fully invested when that occurs.

      also, the funds are used to pay off mortgage at 4.15% so we are still getting a nice return there.. guaranteed!

  5. Way to go ADD. Over $500 is great. And I'm loving that you are doing it together with your wife and that you mention her in your posts. Money may come and go, but let's hold strong to what is definitely more important...a strong marriage! Rock on bro,

    1. I certainly could not do all of this without her! She has been incredible after I have gotten all gung-ho about retiring early.

      Thank you for the kind words!

  6. I wouldn't worry too much about the reduction from last year's quarter, $500+ is still a great month. Do you have any idea what caused it? Was it dividend reductions or cutting back on certain positions?

    1. Basically it was because my 401K funds did not pay out like they did last year. With the same payouts as last year, I would have easily exceeded $600 if not close to $700
