Friday, April 13, 2018

Dividend Income - March 2018

Hi Everyone,

The months are rolling by in 2018!  Having a child sure does seem to speed things up.  I'm not sure if it is the constant state of busyness that you are in or the fact that you keep such close track of time (1 month old, 2 months, 3 months, etc) that makes things move fast but let me tell you - time flies!

All the more reason to stay frugal, save, and invest those extra savings each month into quality dividend paying stocks.  Then, all of a sudden you start receiving checks and life is good!!

So without further adieu the March 2018 dividend income report:

V             $22.35
XOM      $44.66
UVE       $14.57
TAP        $11.89
O            $40.20
VHT       $13.73
FTSE      $61.93
PEP        $34.56

TOTAL:   $243.89

Solid month in March!  This was a gain of $139 from last March.  The gains came from new positions in XOM, TAP, O and VHT.  Increases in dividends/payouts from UVE, V, FTSE and PEP. 

V had a phenomenal growth rate of 28.5% due to reinvesting a dividend increases!

FTSE is a 401K position that increased $20 or 50% from last year.  Just goes to show that maxing out the 401K is really paying off!  Like I have mentioned numerous times before, this is one of 6 401K holdings I have and I would surmise that all of them had at least $20 gains in payouts but the funds automatically reinvest them without giving out dividends/capital gains.

It will be a quiet April with regards to income as I have just 3 companies that payout.  However, O is a true power house in the portfolio now and $40 of income each month really goes a long way in increasing each monthly total!  I wish all stocks paid monthly...

Hope everyone had a great March!

Maybe the weather will finally break here in the mid - atlantic and we will get some nice weather in April!  Winter has held on long enough, I'm ready for the sunshine, warm weather and being outdoors more!