Hi Everyone,
As Ray Charles once sung, Let the good times roll!!
All those big investments from extra money "laying" around are really paying off! This months total came in at $425.20!! which is an increase of 68% compared to last years $252 and a 23% increase compared to last quarters $345!
July Dividend Income:
Big positives from last year include new positions in: STAG, RAI, BNS, CSCO, STJ, UVE, CAH & PEB. Holy cow, that's alot!!
Jump over to our dividend income page to see the increases month after month. There is also a nice chart on that page for all you visual learners out there. On that page, you can easily see dividend income investing at work which hopefully one day will be greater than our expenses and that's what we like to call The American Dividend Dream! Check out our complete portfolio here.
How was your July?